Active - the simulator writes scene files during simulation
Quality - with low quality all the sticks are rendered as plain cylinders,
next level gives information about stick's specialization. The highest
quality setting shows receptors and muscles.
Make dust - a simple visual effect
Output directory - the scene files are saved in this directory.
Don't forget a / or : at the end, the filename will be concatenated to
this string (eg. POVRAY3:Framsticks/Scenes/ )
File format - name of the scene files, %d will be replaced with frame
number (just like in C). You can also use %04d (will be padded with 0's)
example: f%04d.pov results in the following filenames: f0001.pov f0002.pov ...
First frame - usually 0 or 1
Call system()? - an external program will be launched after saving
the scene file
system() parameters - enter the external program's name (with path and
parameters). The first %s will be substituted with the scene filename, and the second
with the output directory.
Skip frames: scenes are generated each (N+1) simulation steps, give the N value